Today marks the third anniversary of Wild Heart Performing Arts Studio, a long-held dream of mine. Doors opened to the public on January 24, 2017.
Like the studio, my daughter is also three.
I signed the lease ten days before my due date because, to my own surprise, that's when I had finally found the space I had been seeking. It was August, sweltering hot, and my belly was HUGE. My life was about to change in ways I could never comprehend. Nonetheless, I signed that multi-year lease and then, standing in my studio for the first time, took this selfie, feeling pretty nonchalant about the whole thing:
What was I thinking?! I wasn't.
I was just following my wild heart.
Here's my daughter being super fierce with me when she was just eight months old, LOL!
And here she is now:
And here's my ballet class at the studio:
The past three years have been a magical and brutal wilderness of personal transformation. It has been exhilarating, exhausting, beautiful beyond words, nerve-racking and terrifying.
Here's what I learned in the wilderness:
Don't wait.
Don't wait for perfection, permission or approval. Don't wait until you're ready. Waiting for things to be just right might seem sensible, but it will keep you on the sidelines of life and that's the most dangerous place to be. I'm not saying be reckless. I am saying life exists in the now and it is only in the now that you can take action. In particular, you must take wise + radical action with no option of turning back.
When I had my daughter and signed that lease, there was no turning back. If you have the option of turning back, chances are quite strong that you will, because growth is very uncomfortable and you will need to sit in the fire of your discomfort until you are transformed, that is, until you make it to the other side of fear. You'll do this many times on your journey if you're really living and growing.
Pema Chodron said it best:
"To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest."
To anyone reading these words: Know that no one and nothing can stop you from being who you were born to be and from bringing forth the light that you alone were meant to bring.
يلعب شيخ روحاني دورًا محوريًا في حياة الناس، حيث يساهم بشكل كبير في توجيههم نحو النمو الروحي والارتقاء بحياتهم الروحية. يقوم الشيخ الروحاني بتقديم النصائح والإرشادات التي تساعد الأفراد على فهم أعمق لدينهم وتحقيق السلام الداخلي. من خلال التواصل المستمر مع الأفراد، يساعد شيخ روحاني في حل المشكلات الروحية والنفسية التي قد تواجههم.
تتمثل أهمية شيخ روحاني في المجتمع في كونه مرشدًا وموجهًا يساهم في نشر القيم الروحية والدينية. من خلال خطبه ودروسه، يعزز الشيخ الروحاني من روح المحبة والتعاون بين الناس، مما يساهم في بناء مجتمع قوي ومتماسك. إن دوره لا يقتصر فقط على تقديم النصائح، بل يتعدى ذلك إلى كونه مصدر إلهام للأفراد في رحلتهم الروحية.
This photo is a beautiful reminder of the portrait malen lassen fleeting nature of time.
Apr 01, 2024
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Mar 26, 2024
Whether seeking subtle enhancement or dramatic transformation, eyebrow services offer individuals the opportunity to accentuate their natural beauty and envious lashes boost their confidence with expertly crafted brows.
Feb 06, 2024
Garage door repairs go beyond convenience; they prioritize safety. A malfunctioning garage door poses risks, especially if it unexpectedly falls or refuses to close. Professional garage door repairs parker repair services not only fix the immediate issue but also conduct thorough safety inspections to prevent potential hazards.
دور شيخ روحاني في المجتمع
يلعب شيخ روحاني دورًا محوريًا في حياة الناس، حيث يساهم بشكل كبير في توجيههم نحو النمو الروحي والارتقاء بحياتهم الروحية. يقوم الشيخ الروحاني بتقديم النصائح والإرشادات التي تساعد الأفراد على فهم أعمق لدينهم وتحقيق السلام الداخلي. من خلال التواصل المستمر مع الأفراد، يساعد شيخ روحاني في حل المشكلات الروحية والنفسية التي قد تواجههم.
تتمثل أهمية شيخ روحاني في المجتمع في كونه مرشدًا وموجهًا يساهم في نشر القيم الروحية والدينية. من خلال خطبه ودروسه، يعزز الشيخ الروحاني من روح المحبة والتعاون بين الناس، مما يساهم في بناء مجتمع قوي ومتماسك. إن دوره لا يقتصر فقط على تقديم النصائح، بل يتعدى ذلك إلى كونه مصدر إلهام للأفراد في رحلتهم الروحية.
تأثير شيخ روحاني على النمو الروحي
يعد النمو الروحي عملية…
This photo is a beautiful reminder of the portrait malen lassen fleeting nature of time.
Organic growers must adhere to strict www organicrev com regulations and undergo certification to ensure compliance with organic standards.
Whether seeking subtle enhancement or dramatic transformation, eyebrow services offer individuals the opportunity to accentuate their natural beauty and envious lashes boost their confidence with expertly crafted brows.
Garage door repairs go beyond convenience; they prioritize safety. A malfunctioning garage door poses risks, especially if it unexpectedly falls or refuses to close. Professional garage door repairs parker repair services not only fix the immediate issue but also conduct thorough safety inspections to prevent potential hazards.